My son decided the protagonist's son is named Jerry, and Jerry drew his dad a picture to take to work. At least something in this thing is special...

This is a thing... I made it for the Honest Jam V. There's not much here. Was just trying to get fast mesh generation with the Unity Job System - which I somewhat achieved. No-one can really see it, though. Visibility in the Dead Zone is quite bad...


Theoretically, there is controller support. I didn't test it.

  • Movement: WASD or Left Stick on Gamepad
  • Look around: Mouse or Right Stick on Gamepad
  • Interact: E or South button on Gamepad
  • Alternative Interact (a sort of 'counter' - like exit when you've entered): Q or East button on the Gamepad
  • Throttle (only available when controlling The Neptune): Space or Right Trigger on Gamepad
  • Force Stabilise: Hold TAB or West button on the controller. The sub has a gyroscope and will slowly try to turn itself upright. Use this to force a rapid upright-turny-stabilisation. For when stuff goes awry.

I started adding control remapping stuff, but ran out of time. Sorry, no remapping for you...

I was going to add underwater foliage everywhere, but the thought came a bit later and then there was no time to update the job code to do this fast. And without it, it grinded to a halt because there are loads of places to put the stuff, and it's really slow running through 110,592 vectors and checking if they point up. I tried ECS - which could've been promising if I could get hold of all the above-mentioned points. I didn't know how, and didn't have time to try to figure it out. So, the ocean became the dead zone. There's nothing to see. The world is infinite in all directions (as infinite as the floating points allow) but going up would suck, because terrain only starts generating lower down.

The post-processing was also a fail. I just struggled too much to get a nice underwater look and still keep things visible. I guess I need more practice with the arty stuff. I really wanted volumetric lights but URP does not have it and I couldn't find anything that I could use that didn't require me to pay for it. Such is life, I guess...